Use ai ethically to achieve meaningful goals

About Us

We employ Artificial Intelligence (AI) to evolve human competency. With years of relevant research, we develop video-based psychological assessment powered by AI. With which, we help our clients solve ‘people’ problems like hiring, matching, counseling, or policy optimization. 

Our Services

Smart assessment

Psychological profiling of any target group via the video

Insightful report

Visualized report to read easily assessment results

Future technology

Remote profiling method to replace classical written tests

Flexible usage

Remote assessment suitable for all kind of operations

our team

Dr. Tony Lee, Ph.D.

Founder & CEO

Tony is a thought leader in AI-driven psychology. He holds 2 PhD degrees and exudes passions on personality traits & future technologies.

Konrad Gerbing, diplom-psych.

communication consultant

An experienced coach in communication, Konrad has a peculiar knowhow in human thoughts and behaviors.  

Contact Us

Working hours

Monday- Thursday: 9:00-17:00 Hrs

We are here

mindR UG
Buchstr. 1, 13353 Berlin, Germany

Frequently asked questions

mindR stands for mind reader. Based on our founder’s years of scientific research in computational personality psychology, we are committed to make Artificial Intelligence-based psychological assessment accessible to everyone, thus contributing to greater social and corporate values. 

mindR stands for mind reader. Based on our founder’s years of scientific research in computational personality psychology, we are committed to make Artificial Intelligence-based psychological assessment accessible to everyone, thus contributing to greater social and corporate values. 

mindR stands for mind reader. Based on our founder’s years of scientific research in computational personality psychology, we are committed to make Artificial Intelligence-based psychological assessment accesible to everyone, thus contributing to greater social and corporate values. 

mindR stands for mind reader. Based on our founder’s years of scientific research in computational personality psychology, we are committed to make Artificial Intelligence-based psychological assessment accesible to everyone, thus contributing to greater social and corporate values. 

We are currently in the pilot phase and will communicate our pricing shortly.

Absolutely! mindR app is suitable for individual and organizational users based on your own needs.

Our founder Dr. Lee has been researching on the nexus between social signals (utterances & voice patterns in particular) and personality traits for years. His research evidences that it is possible to identify our personality states and traits by means of our recurrent patterns of social signals. He then came up with the innovative idea of mindR to facilitate our understanding in human psychology and its behavioral consequences. The idea of mindR has been awarded several prizes, including the Berliner Startup Stipendium and the EXIST Gründerstipendium (BMWi).

mindR is a cross-platform, AI-driven people analytics app for all devices. Contact Us

Supported by

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Das Gründungsprojekt mindR wird unterstützt durch das Förderprogramm EXIST-Gründerstipendium des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi), kofinanziert aus dem Europäischen Sozialfonds.